GEMINI: AIR adaptable; versatile; witty; communicative/ superficial; inconsistent; inquisitive/ likes anything unusual; multi-tasking/ dislikes being alone; feeling tied down/ their opposite SAGITTARIUS
SAGITTARIUS: FIRE optimistic; freedom loving; honest; philosophical/ superficial; careless; blindly optimistic/ likes unlimited freedom; alternative ideas; recreational flirting/ dislikes being to safe or confined; disapproval by others/ their opposite GEMINI
For those that believe in astrology and the stars, help me out please! by definition, Geminis and Sagittarius are total opposites. they are compatible in their sex life but relationship wise they are dangerous together and may not last. The main difference is direction, since Sagittarius aims its actions toward the future, and usually has a sense of forward motion. Gemini's path of growth is non-linear, which Sadge might interpret as scattered, manic and chaotic. one is an air sign and the other is fire. fire needs oxygen to grow. but you can blow a candle out...hmmmmm....
Boy meets girl. girl like boy. boy likes girl. Girl, "whats your sign?" Boy, "Gemini. You?" Girl, "Sagittarius." "cool." "yeah." Boy and girl start a great relationship. boy says and does all the right things. girl starts to fall hard. girl tries to step back. boy doesn't want to. girl agrees. boy eventually does the unspeakable and breaks her heart. girl says, "never again!" Girl forever remembers that ONE GEMINI.
Girl doesn't date or interact with any guys for a long while. until one day girl is at the mall. boy sees girl. boy talks to girl. girl talks back. they exchange numbers. boy boy and girl spend two amazing days and nights with each other. he touches her like she has never been touched in a long time. their kisses are like as if their lips were made for one another. they both feel as if they have known each other for way longer then they have. in their conversations they finish each others thoughts. deep, but weird. Girl starts to think this feels great. "whats your sign?" Girl, "Sagittarius. You?" Boy, "Gemini." Girl thinks in total disappointment and slight fear, "Damn. not again..."
why are we attracted to what is TOLD is not meant for us? why do we categorize them all by one experience? what is because of SOMEONE ELSE'S bad or failed experience we believe and act accordingly. opposites attract right? is that my blind optimism and free loving nature or the natural want for love or companionship taking over?
Think about it.....
Famous Couples: Angelina Jolie (Gemini) and Brad Pitt (Sagittarius); Marilyn Monroe (Gemini) and Joe DiMaggio (Sagittarius); Gael Garcia Bernal (Sagittarius) and Natalie Portman (Gemini).